It's been a strong winter for many of you. Now we need a big recruitment push! Let's get some more of our friends out. A great thing about track is that there is something for everyone. Get your friends out to join us.
Everyone (parents and athletes) need to check out our Parent-Athlete Meeting slides. (This takes place of our having an in-person meeting, so please check it out.)
This coming Friday, the XC team will be hosting it's annual Mr. PVHS Root Beer Mile after school on the south field. There are many ways to participate. Distance crew will be racing and anyone is invited to join them! Or you can support by bidding on your favorite racer to win it. Every dollar donated puts you in a drawing for all sorts of sick prizes. Each racer needs to collect at least $25 entry fee (pay to the finance office). Start collecting/donating this coming week and let's raise a ton of money for our Mr. PVHS Boston Gentry and his family! Distance runners, remember you need to get some prize donations this week. (Racers, if you start collecting money toward your entry fee, make sure you keep track of who donates and how much and we will start getting out the raffle tickets Monday.)
A note for next year's XC runners, high-altitude camp has been scheduled for July 26-29 up at Jacob Lake near the Grand Canyon!
Spirit Pack order form. Nothing from the spirit pack is required. This is just extra gear, practice stuff, meet day stuff... that kinda thing. Your order is processed by the outside vendor not PVHS or PV Track, so go online and pay through their website. Orders will be closed Feb. 12th.
Distance Crew: Mon-Fri at PVHS; Monday - Thursday - regular practice schedule 3:00p, Tues & Thurs am - 6:15a weights and short run, Friday - 6:15a (everyone), 12:45p (No Fresh or Maroon Level), Saturday - group run at 8:00 (location TBA) - this week's workouts
Fear of failure stops so many of us from trying so many things that could bring us amazing experiences. Be the example of someone who gives "great attempts" because when you do, you are going to do so many wonderful things - even if it doesn't turn out quite like you had thought.