The season has started of very well. We keep growing our numbers and a lot of new faces are coming out. Thanks so much for all the help at the youth meet on Thursday. The kids had a great time, and the meet went really well. And... we raised over $700 for Boston! These next couple announcements have been here for a few weeks, but we are still missing a lot of people doing them. So PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOUR REGISTRATION, YOUR FEES, AND YOUR PARENT-ATHLETE MEETING SLIDES.
Those who haven't done the parent-athlete meeting (parents and athletes) need to please check out our Parent-Athlete Meeting slides. (This takes place of our having an in-person meeting, so please do it.)
Participation Fee/Register My Athlete/Physical: This must be done in the next couple weeks or you won't be allowed to participate with the team any more! Registermyathlete is super easy and only takes a few minutes to do if you have your physical on file. If you don't have a physical from this year yet, you can still do the registermyathlete just also get your physical scheduled and taken care of ASAP. If you participated in track last year and haven't transferred your fees to another sport (like track last year to XC this year), you will be able to do that for this coming track season (track last year to track this year).
Schedule for the Week:
Distance Crew: Mon-Fri at PVHS; Mon am - 6:00a (everyone), Mon - Thurs pm - regular practice schedule 3:00p (everyone), Tues & Thurs am - 6:15a weights and short run (White, Black, Silver; Maroon optional), Wed am - 6:15a (White, Black; Silver optional, no Fresh/Sophs), Friday - 6:15a (everyone) and 12:30p for those doubling that day, Saturday - group run at 8:00 (location TBA) - this week's workouts
SLEEP! Dang, it is a big deal. Try and get a few more minutes of sleep than usual each night this week. Even 10 minutes more will make a big difference.