Now we are rolling; no stopping until we are done... meets this week, fundraiser going, PV Invite coming up. We need to focus on getting the PV Invite ready to roll. Parents, please sign up to help (on Parent Meeting slides below); and athletes, make sure you have scheduled to be here and available to help on Friday, March 22nd (11:45a-10:00pm'ish) and Saturday, March 23rd (8:00a-2:00pish)
A few things that we need to get done: Registermyathlete - must be fully complete; Physical - has to be done; Participation Fee must be paid; parents and athletes, look at short slide show.
Also, let's make sure our grades are looking solid. 3rd quarter determines your eligibility for the season (this week's meets are based upon 2nd quarter).
Thanks for all your efforts with the fundraising. Keep it up! I hate fundraising, too. But we need the help for all our equipment. And it is definitely not too late to get started. Those getting sponsors for the PV Invite, we must have those by Friday 3/8 to get on the shirt.
-Follow PV Track at @pvxctrack on Instagram
and on the web at
-Get text updates on Remind
Athletes: text the message @trackprs to the number 81010
Parents: text the message @PVtrackfam to the number 81010
Schedule for the Week:
- EVERYONE - WE WILL MEET FOR A TEAM MEETING MONDAY IN THE LECTURE HALL AT THE START OF PRACTICE... you have to be there to get signed up for the meets this week - we will also be doing uniform stuff (info below)
- Distance Crew: PM - Mon-Thurs pm - 3:00p (everyone), Fri pm - on own if not racing / AM - Mon am - 6:15a (Black & Silver expected; no Maroon), Tues & Thurs am - 6:15a weights and short run (Black & Silver expected; Maroon optional), Weds am - 6:15a run (Black expected, Silver optional, No Fresh, all invited to yoga at 6:45a), Fri am - 6:15a (everyone expected, main practice), Saturday - on own if not racing / this week's workouts
- Sprint Crews and Jumpers: Mon-Thurs - 3:00p (everyone), Friday - meet
- Throwers: Mon-Thurs - Mon-Thurs - 3:00p (everyone), Friday - meet
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday 3/5 - JV @ Snow Canyon 2:00p. JV athletes. Bus info: HS bus leaving at 12:15p, MS out at 12:15p be ready for the bus. Link to Schedule
Fri-Sat 3/8-9 - Snow Canyon Invite Fri-1:00p, Sat-9:00a. Varsity athletes. Bus info: Fri-HS out at 11:20a (bus leaves at 11:30a), MS out at 11:30a be ready for the bus ; Sat-leaves HS at 7:45a
Tuesday 3/19 - Panther Relays 2:00p. All athletes. No Bus (MS will need to arrange rides to the HS). HS excused at 12:45p, MS excused at 12:45p
Fri-Sat 3/22-23 - Pine View Invite Fri-2:00p, Sat-9:00a. All athletes expected to be here to help whether participating or not. No Bus (MS will need to arrange rides to the HS). HS excused at 11:00a, MS excused at 11:00a. Everyone expected to be out at the track at 11:45a.
Youth Track - Our Youngsters program for 6-8th graders will be practice on Mondays and Thursdays from 3:00p to app. 4:15p. This Track and Field Skills Camp is designed to help our young athletes learn the skills and basics of a variety of track and field events in a fun and well-coached atmosphere. Spread the word to those who might want to participate.
Uniform - Our uniform is the maroon top we've been using the last few years. We have a pretty solid number of sizes and fits still available. The tops are $35 and can be paid for through the PVHS finance office. Each athlete needs this maroon top. We also will use all black shorts/spandex. We have a a few of these for boys and a lot for girls. Spandex are $25 and also can be paid for through the PVHS finance office. Please remember that if you are a varsity athlete, you MUST have the team top and matching shorts (in case you are ever on a relay - plus we know they are legal and you won't be DQ'ed for uniform violations). We also have a variety of alternate/practice tops that can be purchased for between $10 and $30. These will be paid for to our club venmo account. These tops can be worn in individual events at certain meets (and at practice).
Quote of the Week -
"Before enlightenment chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment chop wood, carry water." - Zen Proverb
Wherever you are on the scale of awesomeness ("pretty dang awesome" all the way up to "truly awesome"), the thing is the thing. Work hard, focus on the basics, be consistent, push toward your goals, strive to help others, and on and on. It doesn't matter who you are or how amazing you are at track (or anything else), those who become great work hard at all the basics to become great. And then they keep working hard at all the basics to stay there and become even better.
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