Friday, February 21, 2025

Feb. 24 - Mar. 1

  PV Invite Information - FOR ATTENDING TEAMS (some info may still change!)


It is best to view this info in the "web version". If you are on your phone, scroll to the bottom and click "view web version" to see all info.

Info for PV athletes and parents

2025 Schedule

We had a great first few days of practice. Each athlete was challenged to bring out a few friends and build up our numbers, finish up registermyathlete, show their parents this blog and view the parent/athlete meeting slides, get their uniform shorts ordered, and register and join us for the Mr./Miss PVHS Fun Run. Thanks to everyone who did those things, and those didn't... Let's get on it now! We'll keep a lot of the info below the same for those that haven't checked it out. And it's not too late to join our team, so bring a new face on Monday.

Registration: Please get your RegisterMyAthlete complete by this time. Track is an amazing sport. We encourage every athlete at Pine View to come participate - we will make you better at your main sport! And we would love to see a big group of Panthers who are looking to get involved in a sport. From beginners to advanced, there is a place and event for everyone on track and field. Invite friends and let's get a big group out for what is going to be an awesome season! MSers, you can catch a bus up to the HS and change then come out to practice.

Because of the busy schedule at this time of year, our parent/athlete info meeting will be held online. Please take a few minutes to look through these slides. Hopefully many parents can sign up to help at the PV Invite. And definitely, reach out with any questions you may have.

We will be getting new track uniforms this season (and XC this next year). There is some important info you need to do ASAP with ordering your shorts (these will be individually ordered/purchased), so please go back to the previous post and check out the info for uniforms and ordering shorts. The tops will be here right about our first meets (we're crossing our fingers that they are here before!)

Although fundraising isn't often our favorite thing, we MUST do it to keep our program going. We host two fundraisers through our track team - athletes can participate in both. One is getting sponsors for the PV Invite and the other is a SMS text and social media campaign. Paperwork will be sent home for both and can be found below.
PV Invite Sponsors: Businesses can help sponsor the Invite for $50+. For this, the business receives its name listed on the back of the meet shirt, a link on our webpage, and being listed as an event sponsor on the meet program. 
SMS Text and Social Media Campaign: Instead of using a company (like the last couple years), we will be using our PV Venmo to collect the money. The paperwork has an example message you could copy, a place to plan who to send messages to, as well as suggestions for including the Venmo on your text and social media posts.
For both types of donations, just make sure that any money sent to the PV Venmo is labeled "track sponsor - (your name)"
We've also included a list of incentives to help encourage you to participate. 
$50 - PV Track and Field t-shirt
$100 - your new uniform top is paid for -or- 1 night hotel stay paid for
each extra $100 - another 1 night hotel stay paid for
$300 - PV Track and Field sweatshirt

Schedule for the Week: 
***Short team meeting on Monday out at the track for EVERYONE, please be there on time***
  • Distance Crew: PM - Mon-Thurs pm - 3:00p (everyone), Fri pm - after school (everyone) / AM - Mon am - 6:40a, Tues & Thurs am - 6:15a short run and weights (White, Black & Silver expected; Maroon optional), Weds am - 6:15a run (White & Black expected, Silver optional, No Fresh, all invited to yoga at 6:40a)Fri am - 6:45a (White & Black optional)Saturday - TBA / this week's workouts
  • Sprint Crews and Jumpers: Mon-Thurs - 3:00p (everyone), Friday - afterschool
  • Throwers: Mon-Thurs - 3:00p (everyone), Friday - afterschool
Upcoming Events: 
Monday 2/24 - Spike Night 7:15p at St. George Running Center - food, prizes, and a great time to get running shoes and spikes.
TBA - Fundraiser Event at the beginning of practice, we will taking some time to participate in a fundraiser for our team... To prep for this, start compiling a list of contacts that might be willing to help support our team - it's expected that each athlete will bring 25+ names (More info to come)
Tuesday 3/4 - JV @ Snow Canyon 2:00p. JV athletes. Bus info TBA
Fri-Sat 3/7-8 - Snow Canyon Invite 11:00a/9:00a. Qualifying athletes. Bus info TBA
Sat 3/15 - Kanab Invite 9:00a. Qualifying athletes. Let the coaches know if you would like to come. This is the Saturday during Spring Break. This meet will be for mostly JV athletes and some Varsity who might miss another Varsity meet (you may only participate in 8 State Qualifying meets before Region). Bus info TBA
Wednesday 3/19 - Panther Relays 2:00p. Most athletes will race.
Fri-Sat 3/21-22 - Pine View Invite 10:00a/8:00a. Qualifying athletes / all PV track and field team members are expected to be here (we need your help!). 

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