Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Indoor / Winter Track Info! **UPDATED w/ Spirit Pack Gear, Fundraising, and the plan for distance MLK weekend**

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Winter Info


-Follow PV Track at @pvxctrack on Instagram 

and on the web at

-Get text updates on Remind 

Athletes: text the message @trackprs to the number 81010

Parents: text the message @PVtrackfam to the number 81010

**UPDATES 1/29**

CLUB TRIP TO SLC on 2/9-2/10 - print out paper, fill it out, and bring to Holt on Tuesday!

Mr. PVHS/PV Invite Fundraising info update with link to paperwork (can also pick up from Coach Holt) - please start fundraising for Mr. PVHS and PV Invite shirts!

Thought of the Week - "Start where you are. Not where you want to be. Not where you think you should be. Not where others think you should be. But where you are. Little by little becomes a lot."

-Brad Stulberg

Now is the time to start. Maybe you worked out a lot in the last few weeks; maybe you didn't do anything (and maybe feel a little scared to start or even ashamed that you didn't do what you should have). No big deal. We can't change the past (although we can learn from it), so might as well get started. NOW IS THE TIME TO START!

Paperwork / Physical / Fee – you need to have your paperwork and physical done before you can come out to official practice in Feb. To do this, go to and get registered for either boys or girls track. If you have a physical on file at school (for this year), you are good. If not, print out the paperwork (or get it in the office) and get your physical taken care of and turned into Kara in the office. You’ll also need to pay your $100 participation fee before you can come out to official practice which will begin Feb. 20th (or when your season is done for winter sports).


Grades – Your 2nd quarter grades determine your eligibility for the 1st few weeks of the season. Then 3rd quarter for the majority of the season… so make sure they are good!


Winter Practice – The goal of winter practice is to get you in shape for the season. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you be there. Those in a winter sport, we’ll see you when your season is over… good luck in bball, wrestling, whatever.

Schedule - It is not too late to join our Winter Practices

SPRINT, JUMPS & THROWS - meeting Wed & Fri after school

DISTANCE RUNNERSmeeting each day after school (1/13 on own or form own group, 1/15 meet at Wash. roundabout Chipotle 7a to carpool to Hurricane Rim Trail)


Indoor Track – there are a few indoor meets up north in Jan/Feb.

If you would like to go to any, let Holt know and he’ll get you registered. You’ll just need to get yourself there and have a place to stay.

schedule (below outdoor schedule) and info:

Jan 19-20 BYU (follow link for info and registration - athletes must individually register for this meet, registration due Jan 18th at 5p, ask Holt if you need help)

Jan 26-27 Weber State (follow link for info - Coach Holt can register you for this meet, registration due Jan 25th at 7p)

Feb 2-3 UCCTCA State Championships (follow link for info - Coach Holt can register you for this meet, registration due Jan 31st at midnight)

Feb 9 Distance Challenge (follow link for info, not updated to 2024 yet - Coach Holt can register you for this meet, registration due Feb 7)

Feb 10 Golden Sprint Challenge (follow link for info - Coach Holt can register you for this meet, registration due Feb 9th at 8p)

Feb 10 Salem High Jump / Shot Put (no other info yet)

Feb 15-17 Simplot Games (follow link for info - Coach Holt can register you for this meet, registration due Feb 11th)


OFFICIAL TRACK PRACTICE – Officially, we will start up on Tues, Feb

20th.  We will practice each Mon-Thur afternoon from 3:00-5:00 (some people may have morning practice) - Fri time will depend on event coach.

Spring Track Schedule – also posted on the track blog on the right column (in "web view")


Gear – You will need to pre-order your gear.  All Varsity runners (and any JV who would like) must have the Varsity team uniform. This consists of the Varsity singlet which will be around $40 - it is the maroon top we have used the last couple years; and also need a pair of the team shorts (prices will vary on design $20-$40) - These items will be purchased through the school.  An order will be going out in February.

-We will also have a Spirit Pack with OPTIONAL items team gear.  Follow the link to check out the items. Order is due by Saturday, January 20th (we will not do a late or 2nd order). This order is open to anyone: athletes, family, friends, supporters, youth athletes. Again, this gear is optional. JV athletes may order and wear the uniform singlet from the spirit pack as their actual jersey. But, everyone in Varsity meets must wear the Varsity team uniform described above.


Fundraiser – We will once again be doing our "crowd-source" based fundraising through Raise365. Everyone who participates will earn a PV Track shirt as well as incentives for $ raised. All money raised through this can be applied to your PV track fees (hotel/trip fees, uniforms, etc). We also use this money to pay for our track equipment. This year we ordered all new hurdles ($20,000) from the money raised last year!

PV Track & Field fundraising opportunities

AND Mr./Ms. PVHS fundraising this season:

Sponsor Level




Business Name Placed on the Back of the Mr. PVHS Fun Run t-shirt


Pine View Invite

Business Name Placed on the Back of the Invite t-Shirt, Business Link on the Team Website, and Business Name Listed on the Invite Program Sponsoring a Specific Event at the Invite



All of the Above


(You can go to our website, pvtrack.blogspot, to see examples of the advertising.)  


Parent Meeting – As we approach the season, we will have our parent

meeting.  Please be signed up to get our texts to receive info.