Friday, February 14, 2020

Week of Feb. 17-22

The time is NOW! Official start date to the season is Tuesday. Meet out on the practice fields behind PVHS at 3:00. Below you'll find some info on registration and fees and here is a link to the 2020 schedule so you can start planning.

A huge thanks to all that helped with the Root Beer Mile. We had a great time and raised a lot of money for Mr. PVHS, Gavin.

Schedule for the Week:
Everyone: Tuesday - Friday - regular practice schedule 3:00p-5:00p
Saturday - talk to event coach for practice schedule
Tuesday & Thursday - weights at 6:15a-7:00a for anyone who isn't lifting (such as distance runners, maybe some sprinters)
Monday - 8:00a long run - meet at PVHS and we'll carpool over to the Santa Clara trails (hopefully be running by 8:30)
Wednesday & Friday - 6:15a for distance runners Levels 2&3 (no Fresh or Soph on Wed, no Fresh on Fri); yoga at 6:45a for everyone
Saturday - 8:00a meet at PVHS for workout (hill circuits)

Youngsters: Practice for our 6th-8th grade developmental camp will start on February 24th at 3:00p. We will practice on Mondays and Thursdays from 3:00p-4:30p (app.) Until then, our Youngsters can come out with the HS if parents are okay with it. We are working on our Youngsters race schedule. Hopefully in the next couple weeks we will have it finalized. We are also looking for a few people who might be interested in helping with our Youngsters (even just once a week). If you know of anyone, please contact Coach Holt.

Fundraising/Sponsors: You can find sponsor papers over on the right column of this blog. If you'd like some help with paying your participation fees, hotel fees, uniform, spirit pack and so on, go get some sponsors to help you out. *IMPORTANT INFO* with each sponsor, we need $25 turned into the finance office to put their name onto the invite t-shirt and website and stuff. The rest of their donation can go to you for TRACK. However, anything that you turn in to the school goes toward the whole team and can't get applied just to your fees. So make sure you keep everything but $25 from each sponsor and then you can take that "extra" money in to the finance office and pay the fee yourself (or use for whatever other TRACK things you need). If you have questions, please talk to Coach Holt first.

Participation Fee/Register My Athlete/Physical: Let's get these all taken care of soon. Registermyathlete is super easy and only takes a few minutes to do if you have your physical on file. If you don't have a physical from this year yet, you can still do the registermyathlete just also get your physical scheduled and taken care of ASAP.

XC High Altitude Camp: XC runners, get this put on your calendar - High Altitude Camp will be held the same week as usual July 27th-30th at Deer Haven on Cedar Mountain.

Thought of the Week: "Don't miss out on something that could be great just because it could also be difficult."
One of the biggest things that stops people from joining our team is the thought of how difficult it might be. Take a few minutes this weekend and talk to people; get them to come out and join us... share with them your story of why you come out and do track; focus on the fun and the camaraderie and the great feelings you get when you do something you didn't think possible. We are going to have a fantastic year and we want everyone to be part of it. 

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